Wednesday, April 8, 2009

ADD, ADHD, BSHT: The Pharmaceudical Conspiracy to Profit from "Behavioral" Disorders

Behavioral disorders. What exactly are they? Has someone (hopefully a licensed medical doctor) convinced you that you, your child, or someone you know has some type of "behavioral disorder?" NO. Don't believe it.

ADHD & ADD are two extremely popular disorders, especially African-American male youth. These "disorders" suggest that common mischeif and trouble created amongst mainly children, is a problem that needs to be chemically controlled by prescription drug, such as Riddlen. Besides the obvious ones, there are two SPECIFIC main problems wrong with this theory: a) These disorders are forcing abnormal changes among children (MOSTLY AFRICAN AMERICAN BOYS), that convince them that there is something wrong with them when there really isn't, addicting them to drugs that they don't need beforehand, but will become dependent on once they begin to take them. b) This is a direct conspiracy of the pharmaceudical industry to profit during times of slow development of medicines for REAL diseases.

They have now figured out that they must get us while we're young. Society has started now convincing the youth (particularly males) of the African American community, that they have a problem and that there is something wrong with their behavior. To a certain degree, there is. Children today have very little to zero home training, and get away with way too much. However, that does not mean that they have a problem. It simply means that they need a belt taken to their behind. We can see a pattern. Once again, an attempt is being made to remove the African American male from his position in what was once a patriarch society. As if underemployment, drugs, and crime isn't enough.....they have to get the young ones. It saves them the work. So basically, they create ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD, which is like ADD times 10 on crack, (Attention Hyperactive Deficit Disorder). Basically, these means "He has a hard time focusing on one thing, and has a very short attention span." This is normal among children. It is normal for children to be wild, and a little unruly. This is a list of "symptoms" :

-Harming or threatening themselves, other people or pets
-Damaging or destroying property
-Lying or stealing
-Not doing well in school, skipping school
-Early smoking, drinking or drug use
-Early sexual activity
-Frequent tantrums and arguments
-Consistent hostility towards authority figures

EXCUSE ME. NONE of these sound like problems that can't be dealt with with a good old fashion BELT. A strap. A switch. The old folks from down south know what I'm talking about!!!! I'm not going to get into that. That's a totally different topic. However, that concludes the first part. Most of these disorders were created to convince the African American community that there is something "WRONG" with its males.

After they've gotten into our heads, this is where the pharmaceudical industry comes in. These "disorders" where directly created BY THE PHARMACEUDICAL INDUSTRY. Here's the thing. Did you know that once you're "diagnosed" with most of these "disorders" that you're prescribed medication? Yes. Riddlen is a prime example. They give you medication that is not even suitable for it's primary market; boys who've yet to hit puberty. These medications cause chemical changes that alters pubic changes that are a natural part of life. Please know: THESE ARE REAL DRUGS FOR UNREAL DISEASES. And once you begin to take them, there is no getting off of them. There was nothing wrong with you before, but you can believe that once you take them and try to stop, there will be. It's a lose/lose situation. So, now the victims of these "disorders" have fallen slave to the pharamceudical industry in order to go on with everyday life and function normally when there was nothing wrong with them in the first place.

SOLUTION: DON'T BELIEVE IT. There is nothing wrong with that little boy or little girl. Don't try to let somebody with a bunch of letters behind their name, convince you that there is something wrong with them. More importantly, don't try to convince yourself that there is something wrong with a perfectly normal child who just needs their behind tore off, as an excuse for YOU to not have to properly raise your child. THE SOLUTION IS SIMPLE. Put the Riddlen away and pull out that belt. The good belt.

Don't believe the lies of the pharmaceudical industry. BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS ARE NOT REAL. (*DISCLAIMER: This is not meant to offend anyone who has been "diagnosed with any behavior disorder. Such disorder as clincal depression and bi-polars are proven disorders that involve chemical inbalances and are fully acknowledged by the publishing party and are not included in the term "behavioral disorder.")

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"Storefront" Churches

Has anyone ever noticed how many storefront churches there are?

I do not like storefront churches. In Chicago, on every other corner (more specifically in the ghetto) there is a church. These churches are typically churches setup in a place that is meant for commerical or retail purposes, not worship, purposes. This is so much larger that what the African American community thinks. There is such symbolism in what I call the "storefront church." Pay attention.

First, I'll explain my reasoning behind my extreme dislike of them. The purpose of the church, is to provide a place that nutures, cares for and serves the people of the community in which it is located. The church is supposed to provide support, comfort, and accomodation to those who have a relationship with Jesus Christ, however, more importantly the main goal is to accomodate people who do not in the name of Jesus. Jesus established the fact that, after he descended to heaven that our purpose as His church was to simply bring all men unto him.

Why is it that these churches are situated in the WORST areas? There is nothing wrong with moving into a church in a poor neighborhood, but your purpose is to HELP the community. Not sit in a cramped area for five hours and scream and holler and talk about what God has done for you. That's beautiful as well. But you're there to serve him, and serve them. Most blocks between 55th and 69th and Halsted have an average of 3-5 churches on each block. The very same blocks where people are homeless, drug addicts, prostitutes, drug DEALERS, and youth who need assistance. Please explain to me the purpose of all of these churches with these STUPID, FICTIONAL, names if they aren't doing anything. NOTHING. Absolutely NOTHING. Please close down. I personally feel like if you aren't worshipping in a place built for worship, then you need to find another hobby that doesn't include opening up FAKE churches. This also sends an extremely subliminal message about the African American community.

New Haven of the Saint Missionary Baptist Church.
Faith Apostolic Pentecoastal Holy Ghost Temple (Holy Ghost Headquarters)
Pleasant Traveler's Rest Church of the Living God.
New Mount Jeron Church of God In Christ.
The Promise Land Baptist Church
The Twelth Tribe of Judah Church of God.
Besides the fact that these names are entirely TOO long and unecessary, they are the types of FOOLISH names that you will see located on these "churches."

Notice. THESE ARE ALL AFRICAN AMERICAN DENOMINATIONS. Let me explains the message this sends. It shows the extreme insubordination, lack of discipline, and attitudes of "I can do it better than they can" that African Americans possess. These churches come from "black folk" who didn't like the way someone did something at a REAL church, and decided to move and do it "the right way." They were usually deacons, assistant pastors, or other people from a REAL church, who were soured the wrong way by a pastor and decided to take a small group of members who felt the same way and go start a church of their own. Wouldn't it make sense to go join another established church? In a place, BUILT FOR WORSHIP. I personally believe that places BUILT for worship are the places that churches need to worship in. How many United Methoidst Church storefronts have you ever seen? How many Catholic church storefronts have you seen? How many United Churches of Christ storefronts have you seen? EXACTLY. If you find one.....please let me know. These traditionally non-minority religions come TOGETHER to build a solid, SINGLE religion. Until African Americans realize that whenever they don't like something, they run off and try to do it better or by themselves, THEY WILL NEVER GET ANYWHERE.